

Disposing of displays and other electronic components

Electric devices can be handed in at any recycling centre. The return of small electric devices to specialist dealers is also possible, provided the showroom exceeds 400 sqm. Prior to disposal, all batteries which are removable must be removed from the electric device and handed in at a battery collection system. Please note that personal data may be stored in displays, and should be deleted as necessary prior to disposal.

Disposing of the eBike battery

You can hand in your old or defective eBike battery free of charge to any bicycle retailer, who will recycle it in an environmentally friendly way. No purchase of a new battery is required to do so.

Please note that heavily damaged batteries should not be touched with bare hands, as electrolyte may leak out, causing skin irritation. Please keep any defective batteries in a safe place outdoors, with the contacts taped off, and take them to your bicycle retailer for proper disposal as quickly as possible.

Contact your local council for recycling locations that accept Li batteries.

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