
Is there anything I need to consider when buying a new charger for system generation 2 or Classic Line?

All three Bosch chargers are available from specialist dealers and are compatible with the PowerPacks and the PowerTubes.

The rechargeable battery needs the latest software version for charging with the 6 A Fast Charger. The charging current is limited to 4 A for rechargeable batteries that use a software version prior to MY 19. eBike charging using the Fast Charger is supported from hardware version MY 18 (5-pin charging socket on the eBike). eBikes before MY 18 can be retrofitted with the 5-pin charging socket. Irrespective of this, rechargeable batteries that have been removed from the eBike can be independently charged with 6 A. The charging current in PowerPack 300s and rechargeable batteries from the Classic+ Line is limited to 4 A. An adapter is also required to charge Classic+ rechargeable batteries with the latest chargers.

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