
What range does the Bosch eBike system offer me?

The range of the Bosch eBike batteries depends on many different factors.

To achieve the highest possible range, consider the following:

Battery & temperature: As the temperature decreases, the performance of a battery temporarily decreases as the electrical resistance increases. In winter, a reduction in the usual range can therefore be expected.

Cadence: Cadences between 60-90 revolutions per minute are ideal.

Starting & braking: Just like with a car, frequent starting and braking are less economical than riding long distances at a steady speed.

Gear shifting: Correct gear shifting also makes eBiking more efficient: It is best to start and take inclines in low gear, shift up according to the terrain and speed.

Tire pressure: In order to maximize the range, ride with the maximum permissible tire pressure.

Weight: The weight should be minimized, the total weight of the bike and load should not be unnecessarily high.

Find out what range you can achieve with your eBike with our  range assistant.

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